Awesomemod can also do this, but it does it via a cheat I just like the Master Controller way more.

If you are looking for an easy, instant-gratification project, this is not it! Making a good sim is not a matter of hours, but often days - tweaking, re-tweaking, and then setting it aside for a while so you can come back to it with fresh eyes to see what still needs fixing. While nothing here is especially difficult, and none of it will require you to make any of your own custom content (so you won't need to mesh or make textures or anything or use any special programs), it is VERY time consuming! Most of the instructions here are based on the idea of making a sim based on an existing person in some way, but many of the tips and info are still useful for making ANY type of sim, even one just made up out of your own imagination, and there will be some tips specific to making "other" sims that are unique and interesting even if they're not based on a specific existing person. This tutorial is to teach you some useful techniques to create sims based on celebrities, characters from movies or tv, real people. Tutorial: Making Sims in TS3 What is this tutorial for?