Venomous Hail shows up again and will do a trivial amount of damage use it when nothing else can hit to score free kills without exposing yourself to danger, but don’t use it when under attack. Single target damage output is less mana dependent than with Rapid Fire shotguns. With a moderate amount of mana leech, this build should have a lot fewer mana problems than the Rapid Fire shotgun build, thanks to your high attack rate. Brambles makes for a good distraction and is full strength at one rank, plus with a rank in Glaive Sweep you can build charge off of it before you go into a fight.

Chaos Burst around walls, Shadowshot in the open. Ten ranks in each is a good allocation though, since they get most of their effectiveness by that point (including the ‘poisoned’ status, which debuffs armor and offense by 33%) and they are generally useful in different situations. Chaos Burst and Shadowshot both get ten ranks the incremental gains for more ranks are moderate feel free to take five points from one and add to the other if you’ve got a favorite. Cursed Daggers is strictly a damage debuff for this build you’ll do basically no damage with it, but dropping enemy damage by 20% can help a lot in conjunction with the other buffs/debuffs. If you play with a friend who fights in melee, the combination of Blade Pact and Stone Pact provides huge defensive benefits, and a fair amount of offense from the armor debuff as well. Blade Pact also debuffs targets’ physical armor, and all of your attacks do physical damage. It would probably take around a dozen enemies closing in on you while stationary before any of them could actually hit you. Once you get going, you should be safe from a lot of melee attackers full strength Blade Pact slows them down greatly, and full strength Repulsion Hex can handle even more, so those skills synergize well. You do exclusively physical damage, with the exception of a tiny DoT from Tangleshot that doesn’t amount to anything. Like I said, the buffs/debuffs are better here. This is just a theory build for me at the moment I may test it out in an Elite run later.

You’ll eventually have an extra skill point to put wherever. It should be a little better for group play due to a stronger emphasis on buffs and debuffs that others can benefit from.

Attribute allocation is the same 50/50 Str/Dex until you hit 110 Dex, then the rest in Strength. This build uses a quite different skill set from the shotgun build I posted earlier. Poison is great, but variety is nice as well. Torchlight 2 Akimbo Pistol Build Guide by Empyrean