The demon Beelzea possessed Mirajane after the latter killed her, then caused her arm to become demonic to make the girl an outcast.Thanks to that NERV got an Eva would not run out of power, which saved Shinji and Asuka when they used Unit 03 to fight Zeruel and they ran out of external power. Advice and Trust: Bardiel grew a S2 organ into Unit 03 when it hijacked the giant mecha.Simon even acknowledges this trope to him and for that, decides to give him the mercy killing he deserved. Adventure Time: Frozen Hearts: By forcefully abducting Betty into the Ark, Damon inadvertently saved her life from the nuclear explosion of Mushroom war and allowed her to reach out to Simon within his Ice King persona.3 Slytherin Marauders because Lucius Malfoy insists on gloating to Arthur Weasley, Arthur's bosses assume he must be very important and well-connected, greatly advancing Arthur's career.All Assorted Animorphs AUs: In What if Jake was stuck in morph?, its observed that most Yeerks only realised that they could have the option of becoming nothlits in another form when Visser Three announced that any Yeerk caught doing that would be executed.